We have made it our personal priority to make life easier for you. Whether you are an educator, parent, event planner or student looking for a keynote or workshop presentation, Ricky will customize his original message to fit your needs as best as possible.



POWERED BY Kindness (45 MINS)

95 percent of teens (13-17) believe that seeing more kindness around them will make them want to act more kindly to others.

To make a difference in the world, you have to be different from the world and that takes COURAGE. It is that COURAGE to be different that fuels positive change in the lives of ourselves, school community, and world. POWERED BY students will learn what it means to be agents of KINDNESS. POWERED BY students will begin to understand the impact they can have on their peers by being KIND. POWERED BY students will be challenged to see themselves as leaders with the potential to impact the world around them -- starting with simple acts of KINDNESS.


  • Defining Kindness

  • Understanding influence: Examples of how it can be used both negatively and positively

  • How to start with ACTS of Kindness - attitude of action

  • The POWER of positive leadership


88% of youth agree that with the right guidance they would be able to achieve their dreams.

How do we impact our youth to DREAM BIG? POWERED BY students will learn what it means to cast a VISION for the future. POWERED BY students will begin to understand the 3 core principles tied to living out their dream. POWERED BY students will be challenged to see themselves as leaders with the potential to carve out a focused path with a bolder confidence in themselves.


  • Defining vision & practical steps to casting vision

  • How academic success leads to future success: 3 core principles

  • Defining common roadblocks to success & turning fear into opportunity

  • How to ignite THE DREAM



POWERED BY Leadership

96 percent of teens (13 - 17) believe today's lack of kindness impacts the way teens treat other teens. Students who have the Courage to join Associated Student Body, Student Government and Campus Leadership groups are already set apart. Let's dive in and create tangible action plans to continue to be leaders of Change. POWERED BY leaders will learn what it means to lead by example. POWERED BY leaders will be given practical tools designed to EMPOWER them to spread a consistent message of Kindness and Empathy across the campus. POWERED BY leaders will be challenged to participate in high energy, interactive activities geared toward understanding the value of relationships and team building.